Step Into Your Power
A 6 week online experience for people living through major change, to gain practical strategies to build inner confidence, manage their emotions, and give themselves permission to express themselves more honestly & effectively, so that they can have the life and career they really want and deserve.
By Tom Goldstein, MSc, PCC
Join me to learn powerful tools, ideas and practices that you can impliment quickly in your own life to Step Into Your Power and allow yourself more happiness and success, in just 6 weeks, without having to figure it all out for yourself. I invite you to start your journey to transforming your life today!
Each week, 5th November to 12th December 2024
Tuesday evenings: Teaching, experience and questions.
Thursday evenings: Optional office hours.
Super early bird price available if you book before the 15th September, bringing the total to €396 plus VAT
Early bird price available if you book before the 5th October, bringing the total to €456 plus VAT
Have you experienced, or are you experiencing major change in your life? Do you feel fear around these changes? Or maybe you feel that you are not living your life or your career as fully as you could be?
I believe that we should all be able to believe in ourselves, to have confidence in our own ideas, to show up authentically, to know what we really want, to give ourselves permission to live as we want to live, to be able to say 'no or yes with clarity', to deal with difficult emotions, to communicate our needs effectively, and to have a deep trust in life.
During this 6 week online experience, you'll explore how you're currently limiting yourself, and learn ways to build confidence, trust yourself, give yourself permission, handle difficult emotions and express yourself more fully, empowering you to achieve the life and career you truly deserve.
Have you experienced:
The loss of someone / something important to you?
The ending of a relationship?
The arrival of a new child
Children leaving your home?
Starting a new role or career?
Moving to a different country?
The loss of someone important to you?
Another major change in your life?
Do you:
Doubt yourself or your ideas?
Let opportunties pass you by?
Feel like you are the odd one out?
Find it difficult to show up fully as yourself?
Contunally work to prove your worth to others?
Find it difficult to trust you decisions?
Find it difficult to express your own needs?
Make decisions based on other peoples' needs?
Feel somehow unsatisfied with your place in life?
Want to explore your own development more deeply?
This experience will support you to:
Build confidence
Manage emotions
Trust yourself
Express yourself
With the following:
Supportive Group
1:1 Coaching Support
Download and Keep
Weekly Online Sessions
Practical Tools For You to Use
Flexible Approach
Ongoing Support
So that you can:
Develop more confidence in yourself
Grow to trust yourself and your decisions
Stand in your own power rather than trying to fit in
Deal with your own challenging emotions
Communicate your needs and desires clearly
Feel more aligned with your true self
Have confidence in walking your own path
Connect more authentically with people
Give you permission to put yourself first more often
Live your best life
Week 01: Preparing for your journeyTopic 1: Introduction to this online experience Topic 2: Getting to know each other in the group Topic 3: Capturing your current situation, dreams, struggles, coping strategies Topic 4: Where is your resilience right now?
Week 02: Emotions and communicationTopic 1: Exploration of emotions, what they are and how you connect with them Topic 2: What are your needs and how do they relate to your emotions? Topic 3: How to communicate around your needs and express your emotions safely
Week 03: Learning to use parts workTopic 1: Understanding parts work Topic 2: Understanding needs and emotions through parts work Topic 3: Experimenting with using parts work for yourself, how to communicate with and manage your own parts Topic 4: Exploring communicating your needs and perspectives using the parts work
Week 04: Optimising your wellbeingTopic 1: Overview of the 8 dimensions of wellbeing Topic 2: Reflecting on your own wellbeing using these 8 dimensions Topic 3: Connecting wellbeing to parts work Topic 4: Discussing and exploring your wellbeing with others in the group
Week 05: Deepen through the EnneagramTopic 1: Introduction to the Enneagram Topic 2: Tailoring and understanding the key aspects of the Enneagram for yourself Topic 3: Connecting the Enneagram to parts work
Week 06: Bringing it all togetherTopic 1: Reviewing everything you've learnt during the experience Topic 2: Figuring out how you step more into your own power using what you have learnt Topic 3: Questions and Answers Topic 4: Your next steps...
In this 6 week online experience we will cover:
Feedback from some of the people I've helped:
Tom Goldstein, MSc, PCC
As a professional coach with more than 8 years experience, an Englishman living in France (and previously the US), having had major career changes over the past 25 years, and as someone who has worked through my own self-doubt to achieve a life I love, I typically empower motivated men and women in their early thirties to mid fifties, who have experienced some kind of major change or shift, and recognise that they are in some way holding themselves back, and limiting their own health, wealth, happiness or success in life, to overcome their self-doubt, build confidence, trust in their own life path, handle and express difficult emotions, so that they can achieve the life and career they really want.
Masters of Science in Psychology
Diploma in Behaviour change & wellbeing
Certified Life Coach (ICF - PCC)
Certificate in NLP & Positive Psychology
Certificate of working with trauma
Level 3: Nature based psychology
Certified mindfulness teacher
Enneagram accredited facilitator
Join me to learn powerful tools, ideas and practices that you can impliment quickly in your own life to Step Into Your Power and allow yourself more happiness and success, in just 6 weeks, without having to figure it all out for yourself. I invite you to start your journey to transforming your life today!